Our approach

We are proud of our technology, but it may not be the reason that you will choose us.
Focus on our commitments and values.

Committed to a responsible streaming

Mediatech has been concerned about measuring the environmental impact of its activity since the beginning. Based on the work of the Shift Project, Mediatech has integrated into Streamlike a measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to media delivery, which is a first for an enterprise video platform.
Our data center uses an advanced evaporative cooling system that draws gray water from a nearby industrial canal and is connected to a photovoltaic power plant that produces 2.9 gigawatt hours of clean, reliable, renewable energy annually.
Mediatech has also chosen to plant forests in France, in line with its customers’ carbon emissions.

The busines sapproach of Mediatech - Streamlike
500000 lines of code in Streamlike

A platform made in France

Streamlike is about 500 000 lines of code written by the Mediatech technical team. All the evolutions of the platform are dictated by the needs expressed by our customers: a lot of originality and innovation in the service of productivity and efficiency, but no “gimmicky” features that nobody uses.

A culture of customer

Mediatech is a team, a “crew”, a “Stream Team” in which all employees are also shareholders of the company.
It is also a group of loyal service providers and partners who share a taste for a job well done. The satisfaction of our customers is our main motivation. To deserve it, we promise less and do more.

Photo montrant un personnage devant un ordinateur
Infographie avec un nuage au centre et des éléments autour

An infrastructure
you can trust

The security of your media and the confidentiality of your data are our priorities. Hosting Streamlike in the European Union, in Belgium, guarantees the respect of the RGPD and the localization of the data.
Our datacenter has – among others – ACPR, C5:2020, EBA, EIOPA, ESMA, HDS, ISAE 3000 Type 2, FG16/5 – FCA, GSMA SAS-SM, ISO 22301:2019, ISO 50001:2018 and NHS certifications.
It is connected to the Cloudflare CDN consisting of a network of 115 points of presence around the world. Combined with an internet route optimization service, it speeds up the delivery of content to users wherever they are.

Tell us about your project and ask for a demonstration

5 blocs en 3D et un rectangle au milieu