A person editing a StreamChat

How to do a StreamChat

StreamChat is an instant messenger to make live chat interactive, create discussion threads and reveal the opinions or questions most shared by your audience. We explain here how to create and administer StreamChats.

We will distinguish 4 types of chats. First determine which one best suits your purpose:

  • Free chat is a thread in which each comment appears in the chat window as soon as it is submitted, allowing the chronology of a conversation between participants to unfold. A moderator will always have the possibility to edit or delete a message.
  • The private chat allows participants to submit questions or comments that only they will see, until a moderator or host decides to put them forward to share them with the entire room. 
  • popularity chat allows users to “like” comments already submitted or questions already asked, so they don’t need to submit them again. The most popular contributions automatically move to the top of the list. 
  • moderated (or animated) chat allows a moderator to decide which messages to highlight, for example in a live debate. The moderator makes an editorial choice among the messages submitted, to impose the theme of the debate.

Here are tutorials for creating and administering the different types of StreamChats, as well as an explanation of how to integrate and close them.

Click on a link underneath the video player to view the corresponding video.

The video tutorials :

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