Streamlike is a technical partner of the Morbihan Challenge, a sailing race held every summer in South Brittany. It gives the opportunity to develop original solutions to meet the needs of the organization. In 2019, a video competition was organized from footage sent from the boats on Twitter and collected by StreamWatch. In 2020, a web-app was developed, a “video box” was set up and two StreamOuts were created.
The web-app for sending videos
A web-app was developed to facilitate the sending of video footage by competitors: each crew had a simple confidential code, allowing them to validate the sending of their videos, which were automatically associated with a playlist. Thus, it was possible to publish a video from one’s phone at any time and to consult all the videos already sent by each boat.
This is how the web-app looks on a phone, for sending a video file or for sending a video shot with the phone’s camera. Note that before being able to send videos, crews had to validate conditions related to their future use and their privacy rights.
In addition to the ease of publishing, this allowed Nathalie Renoux to view all the videos remotely, elect the winning video of the contest and in turn post a video explaining her choice. The “video library” tab allowed the viewing of the videos sent by each team:
The StreamOut of onboard videos
A film was made from the footage shot by a professional team, integrating some sequences filmed by the competitors. To allow participants to relive their adventure while respecting its chronology, a looped StreamOut was built by assembling all the onboard videos. Here is an overview of its programming in the Streamlike console:
The result can be seen on the Morbihan Challenge website:
The video box
In anticipation of the announcement of the 2021 edition, the organizers of the Morbihan Challenge wanted to gather video interventions from team members who were prevented from meeting by the health situation, as well as testimonies from local elected officials. Instead of setting up a videoconference with multiple speakers and a risk of technical hazards, a video box was integrated into the “contact” page of the site, to collect the contributions of each and every one. The source videos – of better quality than if they had come from a videoconference – were edited to compose a much more dynamic press conference, in fake live. A StreamOut was elaborated, integrated into a page of the site and was the subject of an important communication in a newsletter and on social networks.
The video box is displayed before the classic contact form, on the page The videos received are automatically transcribed as soon as they arrive and an email is immediately sent to the site administrator with the text content of the message and the link to the video.
The StreamOut of the 2021 Edition Announcement
Another objective, another use of StreamOut.
The organizers of the Morbihan Challenge wanted to create a live event… without the constraints and hazards of live broadcasting, with upfront preparation. So they edited the video of a virtual press conference, integrated it into a program and promoted the event.
A waiting image was broadcast until the moment of the live broadcast. The replay was put online shortly afterwards… since the recording had been available for several days.
Here is an overview of the programming of this StreamOut in the Streamlike console:

On December 9th at 7pm, the 2021 edition was presented live in front of an audience of several hundred viewers.
The replay is still visible in the page that hosted the StreamOut: