The value of example
Planet Tech’Care has just joined the Responsible Streaming Ambassadors Program and will now host its content (conferences, workshops, webinars) at Streamlike, which will distribute them via an eco-designed webTV by applying various solutions for maximum digital sobriety.
The environmental impact of online video is considerable and growing.
With the rapid transition from broadcast to broadband (one-to-one distribution), the increase in program offerings (live or on-demand) and the ever-increasing quality (HD > 4K > 8K…), the volume of sata transfer is constantly increasing as well as the need for datacenters and network infrastructures to host, relay and deliver this content. This equipment and this data transit are strong emitters of greenhouse gases (GHG), which can be reduced in two ways: by more sobriety in the uses and by improving the energy efficiency of the equipment (what is called “Green IT”).
Every gesture counts, even the smallest
The impact of online video is mainly linked to domestic uses, which it is illusory to hope to reduce: streaming platforms, pornography, social networks… Corporate uses have a much more modest impact but can easily be reduced by reflecting on real needs and practices. By practicing a responsible streaming, a company or an organization “does its part” and sets an example for its employees, customers or partners.Let’s remember that every gesture counts and that individuals can only contribute to a quarter of the GHG reduction target defined by the Paris agreements. Companies and local authorities must provide 3/4 of the expected reduction.The energy efficiency of equipment is constantly improving, but the deployment of equipment is increasing even faster. Very high speed internet and network capacity are progressing, allowing the distribution of increasingly heavy content. Without voluntary sobriety, GHG emissions will never be reduced.
Act now
The IPCC final report published on April 4 announced that we have only 3 years left to maintain a livable planet. This means that we must act now, by all means immediately operational.
Hoping that technology will provide a solution within 3 years is illusory and is akin to dangerous procrastination.
“ Leading by example is not the primary way to influence others, it is the only way. ”
Albert Einstein.
About Planet Tech’Care:
Planet Tech’Care is an initiative led by Numeum (formerly Syntec Numérique) bringing together a network of partners (professional organizations, schools, competitive clusters, associations, foundations, think tanks). Its aim is to support companies wishing to integrate digital technology into their environmental strategy and to assist training providers in developing skills in the area of responsible digital technology. By committing to a manifesto, signatories have free access to a support program consisting of several events (conferences and webinars in particular) designed by digital and environmental experts, partners in the initiative.
About the Responsible Streaming Ambassadors Program:
The Responsible Streaming Ambassadors Program brings together players who are committed to digital sobriety, eco-design of their media delivery sites or applications, counting their GHG emissions and contributing to a neutralization of their impact through reforestation.
Responsible Streaming in 6 points :
- Adapt the quality to the nature of your video content
- Make sure you keep control of your content
- Rely on a reasonable infrastructure
- Adopt good practices of eco-design and digital sobriety
- Measure residual emissions
- Sequester residual carbon emissions
The image that illustrates this article is from the film by Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot produced by that concludes with “Everything counts. What you do counts.”